samedi 20 juin 2009

thank you.

I want all those who think they are lucky to raise their glasses and say thank you. Thank you to God, thank you to life, thank you to luck, thank you to fucking anything. Just say thank you. Say thank you and mean it. Mean it. I am serious. Say thank you for your house, say thank you for your car and for your family, thank you for your money, thank you for your job, thank you for your food and for your bed, thank you for your mind, thank you for your parents and your grand parents, thank you for your health. Say it. Be grateful. Be grateful for your everything. Mean it.

2 commentaires:

Unknown a dit…

My darling thats why i love you so ;)
I think its so important to realise how lucky we are: so that we can really enjoy and appreciate the good fortune, as well as use it as a leverage to make the world a better place.. non?
Gros bisous xx

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